Since its inception, the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) has been serving the entire island of Jamaica and its populace. The Authority provides timely, efficient solid waste management services across the island in order to the safeguard public health while helping to create an environment befitting for all to enjoy. Jamaica’s population is approximately 2.9 million and climbing.

The National Solid Waste Management Authority has demarcated the country for its management purposes into four (4) regions otherwise termed wastesheds: The Riverton, Retirement, Southern and Northeastern wastesheds. Each region is made up of two or more parishes , with accompanying disposal sites for the proper disposal of solid waste.

Additionally, wasteshed are defined based on the most effective and feasible collection and disposal network that can be implemented islandwide.

In order to improve and provide the best and most efficient service to its customers (the people of Jamaica) the National Solid Waste Management Authority has developed an integrated service delivery strategy (refer to chart above).  This strategy is implemented through the Agency’s regional offices namely:

The regional offices have portfolio management responsibilities for the parishes falling within their specific region under the directives of the Head Office of the NSWMA located in Kingston.

Each regional office houses a Customer/Community Relations department and officers that handle the queries of customers regarding solid waste management collection services in their areas. The Customer Relations Officers (CRO’s) play an active role in ensuring that customers are kept up to date with all relevant and supplemental information.